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[网络工具]WinSCP v5.15.3 Build 9730 Final+Portable 多语言中文正式版-SSH开源图形化SFTP客户端 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 0 发表于: 2019-07-29

WinSCP是一个Windows环境下使用的SSH的开源图形化SFTP客户端。同时支持SCP协议。它的主要功能是在本地与远程计算机间安全地复制文件,并且可以直接编辑文件。 如果您是第一次使用 WinSCP,建议选择Windows Explorer界面,因为Windows用户比较熟悉这个界面。当然,如果您习惯Norton Commander风格,就选择Norton Commander界面,它注重于方便的键盘操作,你完全可以脱离鼠标,更快地进行操作。

使用 WinSCP 可以连接到一台提供 SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)或 SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)服务的 SSH (Secure Shell)服务器,通常是 UNIX 服务器。SFTP包含于SSH-2包中SCP在SSH-1包中。两种协议都能运行在以后的SSH版本之上。WinSCP 同时支持SSH-1和SSH-2。
但WinSCP不支持编码选择,也就是说,你在Windows下使用WinSCP连接一个Linux机器,因为Linux和Windows的默认编码不同,因此是无法访问上面的中文文件或者文件夹的(将看到乱码)。一种解决方法就是在打开winscp时登录中的 Advanced Options–Environment中将UTF-8 encoding for filenames设为on.
WinSCP 可以执行所有基本的文件操作,例如下载和上传。同时允许为文件和目录重命名、改变属性、建立符号链接和快捷方式。两种可选界面允许用户管理远程或本地的文件。


  • 图形用户界面
  • 多语言
  • 与 Windows 完美集成(拖拽, URL, 快捷方式)
  • 支持所有常用文件操作
  • 支持基于SSH-1、SSH-2的 SFTP 和 SCP 协议
  • 支持批处理脚本和命令行方式
  • 多种半自动、自动的目录同步方式
  • 内置文本编辑器
  • 支持 SSH 密码、键盘交互、公钥和 Kerberos(<GSS) 验证
  • 通过与 Pageant(PuTTY Agent)集成支持各种类型公钥验证
  • 提供 Windows Explorer 与 Norton Commander 界面
  • 可选地存储会话信息
  • 可将设置存在配置文件中而非注册表中,适合在移动介质上操作

5.15.3 2019-07-21

  • Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.72:Integer underflow parsing SSH-1 packet length. vuln-ssh1-buffer-length-underflow
  • Buffer overflow in SSH-1 if server sends two tiny RSA keys. vuln-ssh1-short-rsa-keys
  • Windows Pageant client code does not check response length field. vuln-win-pageant-client-missing-length-check
SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.72.Using recommended sizes of icons when installed from Microsoft Store. 1754XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.7.Translations updated: Hungarian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish.File panel incremental search can be disabled using raw configuration setting. 1742Retrying deleting fake temporary folder created when pasting remote files to Windows File Explorer. 1765Bug fix: With every start on a monitor with different DPI than the primary monitor, dimensions of the window and some of its components change slightly. 1750Bug fix: Speed limit does not work with S3 protocol. 1755Bug fix: Site folder loses names of its sites. 1756Bug fix: Compare Files extension cannot handle paths with spaces. 1760Bug fix: Local recycle bin is unintentionally scanned, slowing down browsing. 1761Bug fix: .NET assembly debug log file timestamps shows as GMT, while they are actually local times. 1762Bug fix: Cannot upload files over 50 GB to S3. 1764Bug fix: When using a local custom command from Synchronization checklist window, opened from a command-line, the connection was closed.Bug fix: When saving an edited site or default settings, WinSCP prompted for the master password, even when the site does not have any password to protect.Bug fix: When opening a connection from a command-line, which does not have a local directory set yet, local panel is opened empty.

5.15.2  2019-05-29

  • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2s.
  • SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to latest development snapshot of PuTTY (2019-05-13.45be166). It brings the following change:Bug fix: Crash when adding an ECDSA key to Pageant. pageant-ecdsa-assert-fail
  • Bug fix: RSA keys generated by PuTTYgen could be one bit too short. puttygen-keys-one-bit-short
Translations updated: Dutch and Polish.Not scanning unvisited network folders to speed up start up and browsing. 1737Starting main window with the last user local folder instead of always starting in Documents folder. 1740When renaming an ad-hoc site, using a generated friendly name as a start.Bug fix: Some numerical folders are duplicated in remote directory tree. 1736Bug fix: Ad hoc site opened from a workspace showed its internal number a name instead of a friendly generated name.Bug fix: Failure in .NET assembly when ProgramFiles(x86) environment variable is not set and WinSCP executable cannot be found anywhere. 1741Bug fix: Keyboard accelerator for Octal box on Properties dialog does not work. 1743Bug fix: Failure when .NET assembly times out waiting for WinSCP to start. 1744Bug fix: Failure when shutting down Windows. 1746Bug fix: Two consecutive different file mask delimiters are processed incorrectly. 1745Bug fix: Failure when undocking toolbar on a system with multiple monitors with different DPI. 1748Bug fix: Failure after a session lost while in Console dialog is reconnected. 1749

5.15.1 2019-04-11

  • Bug fix: .NET assembly is not signed. 1730
  • Bug fix: Raw transfer settings are incorrectly processed with synchronize command. 1731
  • Bug fix: Compressed files entries are hard to read in dark theme. 1733
  • Bug fix: Cannot drag files from WinRAR. 1735

5.15 2019-03-27

  • Translations updated: Brazilian Portuguese, Farsi, French, German and Icelandic.
  • SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.71. It brings the following changes:Pageant support for SHA-256/512 RSA signatures, used by e.g. OpenSSH client. pageant-rsa-sha2
  • Support OpenSSH 7.6+ aes256-ctr-encypted private keys. puttygen-openssh-aes-ctr
Bug fix: Back-propagated SSH security fixes from PuTTY 0.71. 1729 vuln-rng-reuse vuln-rsa-kex-integer-overflowBug fix: Reloading file in internal editor can cause unwanted upload of partially reloaded file. 1728Bug fix: Failure when starting any (local) batch file operation with no session opened.Bug fix: Command to create/edit a local shortcut was disabled with no session opened.
官网下载地址: https://winscp.net/eng/download.php







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